SuiteScript Best Practices

This section provides best practices for Suite Script optimization : - 

  • Design your user event scripts to execute in under 5 seconds, Suitelets and Portlets to execute in under 10 seconds, and scheduled scripts in under 5 minutes.
  • Use nlapiLookupField instead of nlapiLoadRecord for fetching body field values.
  • Use nlapiSubmitField instead of nlapiSubmitRecord for updating body field values. 
  • Use inline editable child custom records whenever your use case calls for batch processing of multiple related/child records.
  • Use nlapiScheduleScript to schedule (asynchronously execute) long-running operations from user events and Suitelets.
  • Avoid calls to nlapiGetOldRecord() in user event scripts unless absolutely required. 
  • set your script log level to ERROR or EMERGENCY.
  • Deploy scripts to run as admin only if absolutely necessary to minimize security risk and to eliminate performance overhead.


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